Conveying comfort and healing through warm music ✧Darwin✧
A hot rookie who shows his passion at every moment✧ALL(H)OURS✧

There's nothing to fear if we're together
A procession of stars shining brighter than the refreshing festival atmosphere★
What if you're curious about the huge chemistry between both teams?

Wednesday, February 21st
MBC M7:20pm
MBC every1 12pm
WEEKLY IDOL bone, room, company,

#WEEKLY IDOL #WEEKLY IDOL #Darwin #The Wind #YouthTeen #H! TEEN #WHIZ #Wiz #Kim Hee Soo #Tanaton #Choi Han Bin #Park Ha Yoo Chan
#All Hours #ALL(H)OURS #ALL OURS #Halachacha(GOTCHA)
#Min_ (ut)e #Minutes #Gungho #Yumin #Jaden #Minjae #Masami #Hyun Bin #On.

2024/02/16 17:40 KST
From SNS