Passion MAX, fair play ZERO! Because the answer is correct, you don't have to worry about sabotage!
9 people's battle bath Burn It Out Burned "Park to the Entertainment"

What kind of photo is this of Gilan? (꒪⌓꒪)
Probably during the Baekje period?
Look at our cutie and you'll laugh (*´∀`*)ノ

Wednesday, February 28th
MBC M7:20pm
MBC every1 12pm
WEEKLY IDOL bone, room, company,

#Rabity #Selim #Alen #Jungmo #Woobin #Wonjin #Minhee #Hyunjun
#Tae Yeon #Sunmi.

2024/02/27 15:10 KST
From SNS