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Dragon Inn Part 1: The City of Sadness

Dragon Inn Part 1: The City of Sadness
  • English:Dragon Inn Part 1: The City of Sadness
  • Korean: 용루각: 비정도시
  • Release Date: 2020/12/03
  • Duration: 94分
Yongnugak: Bjeongsi (Korean: 용루각: 비정도시) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2020-12-03. The running time is 94 minutes.
An action noir depicting the activities of the secret organization "Ryūrokaku" that pursues cases that cannot be brought to justice. Ryūrōkaku looks like an ordinary Chinese restaurant from the outside, but it is actually in trouble.
It is a meeting place for resolvers who take ``vengeance by proxy'' for those who have been forced to stand up against them. Here, the five members, Chulmin, Jihye, Seungjin, Yeontae, who all gathered for different reasons,
President Kwak is here. The secret organization ``Ryūrokaku'' receives information from unknown intelligence agents, visits places where the law cannot solve problems, and strives to achieve justice.
One day, a death incident occurs surrounding the brutality of the son of a large company chairman, and it is revealed that the person is an acquaintance of a member of Ryūrokaku.
It will be done. . The Korean movie "Ryongrokaku: Ruthless City" is an ordinary Chinese restaurant when viewed from the side, but in reality it is a meeting place for members who pursue cases that cannot be brought to justice.
It is an action noir work that depicts.
