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The Layover

The Layover
  • English:The Layover
  • Korean: 여섯 개의 밤
  • Release Date: 2023/03/29
  • Duration: 81分
six nights (Korean: 여섯 개의 밤) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2023-03-29. The running time is 81 minutes.
Trouble & Trouble TV Series depicting the secret-filled night of six people who crash-land in an unexpected place during a trip.
A plane bound for New York crash-landed in an unexpected city due to engine trouble. The six tourists staying at the hotel during a stopover are both unfamiliar and excited.
In the gap between secret and truth, revelation and confession... I face sleepless nights that shake violently for reasons that are unique to me. . The Korean movie "Six Nights" is about six people who crash-land in an unexpected place during a trip.
Trouble & Trouble TV Series depicting a secret-filled night.

