JYJ Yuchun said, "It is a false report," for the coverage of MBC, terrestrial broadcaster. "Request for correction" in the broadcast of the main news "News Desk" on the night of the 18th.

● Coverage: "Confirming Yuchun taking drugs with a video from a security camera"

● Yuchun side: "I was definitely on the scene, but I was asked by (milk princess) and I did not think it was drugs."

‪ ● coverage: "also has needle marks and bruises on the back of the hand by injection" ‬

‪ ● Yu Chun side: "It is not a drug, just hurt with a sharp object" ‬

‪ ● coverage : "video where Yuchun wears mask for trading”

2019/04/19 07:18 KST
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