Girl group former member Actress Han Ji Sung, a car accident is full of mystery. Site photos are released.

● A 27-year-old woman died in a traffic accident on a expressway connecting Incheon Airport and Seoul

● They got married two months ago, and they stopped at halfway though it was a expressway at 3:52 am

● Even though one side of the way has three lanes, it stops in the middle lane for some reason. The couple get off and a woman collides with two cars from the rear. .

‪ ※ It was reported as "hard to understand accident", but it was discovered after that. .

‪ ● Her husband who got married in March said, "I couldn't stand it (the restroom)" "I stopped the car and finished using in the nearby flower bed" "I understood the accident happened when I came back" as police investigation statement. .

‪ ● Yesterday, it was discovered that a woman was an actress Han Ji Sung of girls group "B. DOLLS" former member. ‬

2019/05/09 08:30 KST
From SNS