PRODUCE 101 appeared Celeb, a video of a phone call released to the net by a woman claiming sexual harassment 8 years ago.

Full text of call contents

<Raging incoming call waiting music>


"Oppa, I ● ●"


"Why do not you answer chat? "



"Wait a moment and call me later"

"why? "

"I will call you back later"

"why? Talk now. "

"Because I'm in a hurry, I will call you later"

"What is busy? Oppa is more busy than this story? "

"Wait a moment and call me later"

"It's really too cruel"

"It's not a terrible thing ..."

"What if it is not a terrible thing?" "

"Where are you now?"

"Are you home?"


"Are you home?"

"I will call you a bit later"

"Now, what is more important than this on Oppa? Explain it "


"Explain, what is it that must be given priority over this? "

"Because I am doing something now"

"You are doing something. . So I will call you later. . "

"I will call you soon,"

"It will be different, Oppa"

"Call after 5 minutes"

"Is Oppa the position to speak with time? "

"So ... I will call you in five minutes"


"I have something really busy,"

"That really busy thing is not important to me, what is important to me is this story. Oppa makes me painful. "

"So call me again"

"Oppa, really funny"

"It's not really funny, really call, please wait a bit."

"Why should I wait? Is there a reason for that? "

"I will call you back later"

"And if I sent a chat, I wanted you to reply"

"Wait a while,"

"What kind of attitude is this? "

"I will call you back later"

"Why should I consider Oppa's circumstances? "

"I will call you back later"

"Oppa, do you know that it is" NO answer "? "

"Call me after a while"

"Oppa, is not Jeju Island? "


"Is not it Jeju? "

"Now, me, Jeju Island"

"What kind of work is there?" "

"Because I have something, I will call you later"

"What is it?" Is there anything more important than this story? "

"Please wait a little"

"Funny, Oppa, do you know who you are calling? Oppa is calling a person sexually harassed eight years ago. "


"Can it be the reason? I am the one who got sexual harassment by Oppa. But you call me later? Because I am busy? "

"I will call you later"

"Do not escape like this"


"Do not run away. Is there only that story? "

"Absolutely, it is not escaping, do not think that you are running away"

"If it is not to escape ... In chat only" what? "" What? "Is written only ... Although voice talk also got off, you say that there is something busier now? "

"So, I will call you a bit later, I will cut off the call."


"I will call you a bit later and I will talk off the line."

<Call discontinuation sound>

2017/06/22 21:34 KST
From SNS