[Literal translation] The contents that late 100% mine released in SNS as cryptic style. The interpretation of fans is a topic. Below is a direct translation of the original sentence's full text and interpretation of the fans.

* "전역 하고 3 개월이나 지났다"

"It took me three months for discharge"

* "언제까지 참아야 하니 티오피야"

"You have to put up with it forever, Tee Opie" * management office

* "10 년 동안 시키는 대로 다 했잖아"

"You've come through all ten years, as I said,"

* "내가 뭘 그렇게 잘못했니?"

"What made me so mistaken?"

* "인내심이 이제 바닥을 친다.."

"Endured as much as I could..."

* "감당이 안되면 놔 주든가!"

"Why do not you let go if you can not afford it!"

* "불쌍하지도 않니 ???"

"Is not it a sad actress So ???"

* "오죽 답답하면 내가 잠도 못 자고"

"If I suffer this much, I can not get sleep"

* "이 짓을 하고 있다 ..."

"I'm doing something like this ..."

* "나도 제발 일 좀 하고 싶다 !!!!"

"I also want to work by all means !!!!"

** It is to introduce one interpretation of the fan, it does not guarantee that it is correct content.

2018/03/28 12:48 KST
From SNS