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On the South Korean side, first vice minister Jang Yeong-jin of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Kim Sung-yeol, US Commerce Secretary, and Min Byung-joo, director of the Korea Industrial Technology Agency, attended.
The purpose of this meeting was to review the progress of cooperation by MOU (business agreement) for 23 MOUs (business agreements) in the high-tech industry clean energy field that were signed when President Yoon Seo-gyul visited the United States as a state guest in April.
From the US research institute side, officials from BRIDG, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), Society of Automotive Engineers International (SAE international), Battery Industry Association of America (Nattbatt), MIT, and Yale University attended.
South Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy has been discussing detailed projects with the US for concrete technical cooperation, focusing on cutting-edge technologies such as semiconductors, self-driving cars, secondary batteries, and robots.
At the meeting, the International Association of Automotive Engineers, which is in the field of future cars, presented the development of communication-based self-driving car standards, and BRIDG, which is in the semiconductor field, presented plans for technical cooperation and personnel exchanges. MIT presented specific cooperation issues such as the development of bipedal walking robots.
These institutions will attend the "US-Korea Industrial Technology Cooperation Forum" scheduled to be held in Seoul next month to flesh out cooperation issues with Korean companies.
Starting with this cooperation issue, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea plans to discover more excellent cooperation demand by the end of this year and actively promote it as a medium- or large-scale project from next year.
Vice Minister Jang said, "In order to revitalize international cooperation in industrial technology research and development (R&D), we will not only expand investment but also dramatically improve the domestic R&D process so that there is no discrimination between domestic and foreign researchers."
2023/08/06 12:57 KST