One-day interview revealed the recent fact that Kim Hee Sun did not receive a month's worth of rent for his building. As COVID-19 spreads, he decided not to take a month's rent to help residents in financial trouble.
Residents of the building said, "Kim Hee Sun did not ask for rent because it was difficult to do business," and said, "Thank you," and announced such good deeds.
Not only that, Kim Hee Sun donated 100 million won each to Good Neighbors and Seoul University Hospital for a total of 200 million won to prevent the spread of corona infection and buy masks and hand sanitizers for alienated people in February.
Kim Hee Sun said on the 1st, "Kim Hee Sun has been doing good work without notifying the management office." "Everyone was willing to help in a difficult situation, but it is known as this. I'm embarrassed."
Kim Hee Sun, who has been quietly doing good deeds, recently made a comeback during a teaser with the SBSFri - SatTV Series "Alice." Playing "one person, two roles" as Yun Tay, he is performing in his 20s and 40s.
2020/09/02 22:30 KST