Blockbuster "Crash Landing on You" motif person. Who is this actress Jung Yang who was shot by the North Korean guard across the Northern Limit Line? Here is what happened.
On the afternoon of September 30th, on TBS TV "World Extreme Mystery", the reproduction TV Series of the true story that became the base of the blockbuster TV Series "Crash Landing on You" was broadcast as an extreme arrangement version.

In the broadcast on the 30th, a South Korean actress drifted while playing on a leisure boat and invaded the North Korean waters. A was found collapsed by North Korean soldier, and at one point was mistaken for a "spy" and pointed at the muzzle, but a North Korean soldier who understood that she was a "flowing civilian" hid a woman. The story was that while spending time in North Korea with the help of soldiers, women fell in love with North Korean soldiers who "never love", and the soldiers were also attracted to the smiles of women.

It was introduced that this story became the motif of the blockbuster TV series "Crash Landing on You", but what kind of person was the actress Jung Yang who arrived in North Korea, and what happened there that day?

WoW! South Korea reported the incident on September 13th, 2008, 12 years ago. (Hereafter, the WoW! Korea article reported on September 13, 2008 is quoted)

A leisure boat with three Korean actress and singer Jung Yang and a man in his 40s drifted into North Korean waters. It was revealed that they had been shot by a North Korean guard ship.

On September 9th, 2008, a boat (3t) on which Jung Yang and his group were on board crossed the Northern Limit Line (NLL) and invaded the North Korean waters, and was discovered by North Korean residents. It was reported on September 12th, 2008 that he was subsequently shot by a guard ship.

According to reports, the party drifted over the sea due to heavy fog. When it arrived at a strange place, it was discovered by the local residents. When asked about the direction of Incheon, he heard the North Korean-specific "dialect" of "return immediately" and learned that it was North Korea.

After that, he changed the direction of travel of the ship to the south and started rowing, but received a warning broadcast and shooting of an armed North Korean guard ship.

The guard ship fired several warning shots at Jung Yang's ship, but it was reported that he was able to escape fortunately because the guard ship he was pursuing was caught in the net.

Jung Yang and his group called the ocean declaration and sent out the distress SOS. Rescue by the South Korean Navy. The rescued Jung Yang was subjected to joint cross-examination and investigation by related organizations, but was reportedly allowed to return home because the charges were not confirmed.

At that time, in South Korea, actress Jung Yang in her 20s was focusing on the question, "Why were you on a boat with three men in their 40s?"

2020/10/01 20:19 KST