Kim Chor-min, who is fighting against lung cancer, is on his last trip ahead of anti-cancer drug treatment ... "Endure to the end"
Kim Chul-min, who is being treated with anti-cancer drugs, has shown his determination to endure to the end and win.

Kim Chul-min recently said through his SNS, "I was hospitalized yesterday and took an MRI of the brain, but it did not metastasize to the brain." "Today I am doing the primary anticancer drug injection, Starting next Monday, I will start radiation therapy for two pelvic bones. "

Kim Chul-min added, "Thank you again for your small prayers and support for the 10th. Thank you. I will endure to the end."

Kim Chul-min went on a trip to Jeju Island before anti-cancer drug treatment. He said, "I arrived at Yangpyeong Sanatorium safely after my trip to Jeju Island for 5 nights and 6 days. I will start anti-cancer drug treatment from tomorrow. I can walk properly because my cancer has spread all over my body. I've only seen the sea in the distance in a room that doesn't exist."

Kim Chul-min, who has entered anti-cancer drug treatment, has had a hard time, but he has revealed his determination to endure and endure until the end, and has received a lot of support.

Kim Chul-min received a stage 4 lung cancer decision last August. He took a drug known as an anthelmintic for dogs and collected Hot Topic, revealing that his pain was greatly reduced, but then his liver and lungs deteriorated, causing sadness.

2020/11/09 20:09 KST