Actress Lee MIN JEONG, "Ask my husband to take a picture of you said, "My husband..."
Actress Lee MIN JEONG, "Ask my husband to take a picture of you said, "My husband..."
Actress Lee MIN JEONG, "Ask my husband to take a picture of you said, "My husband..."
Actress Lee MIN JEONG has released a selfie to communicate with her fans.

Lee MIN JEONG wrote on Instagram on the 17th, "Even if you want to take a picture outside ... at home because you're wearing a mask ... all three look like the same picture, but they are different pictures (laughs) 5 minutes ago (laughs) Laughter) ".

Lee MIN JEONG has a lovely smile while looking at the camera. The cute appearance, big eyes, high nose, sharp chin line and other doll-like looks are admiring.

After that, Lee MIN JEONG communicated with internet users through writing. Lee MIN JEONG replied to a comment from an internet user, "You've lost weight. Your face has become smaller." Lee MIN JEONG replied, "Originally, when you get older, your face will lose weight (laughs)."

And when another internet user commented "my sister" with a heart emoji, she joked, "My family is only male brothers."

In particular, one internet user commented to Lee MIN JEONG, "Please have your husband take a picture. I want to see a full-body shot." Lee MIN JEONG replied, "My husband went to Jeju Island for shooting ...", invited laughter.

Lee MIN JEONG married actor Lee Byung Hun in 2013 and gave birth to his son Jun-hoo in 2015.

2022/01/18 14:48 KST