Ukraine's 89% opposes "territorial truce" ... Zelensky's approval rating "78%"
The result of an opinion poll was released, stating that "the majority of Ukrainian people are against the plan to surrender the territory to Russia and ceasefire."

According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on June 29th (local time), the WSJ commissioned the Ukrainian polling company "NORC" to conduct a five-day survey of 1005 Ukrainian adults from June 9th to 13th. As a result, 89% of the respondents said they opposed the above plan.

The area occupied by Russia since the invasion on February 24 cannot be surrendered on the condition of a "ceasefire."

81% also opposed the "plan to surrender part of the southern Crimean Peninsula and the eastern Donbus region, which had been virtually occupied by Russia before the Russian invasion, on condition of a truce."

Furthermore, the Ukrainian people were found to be almost certain that their troops would win this war.

In this survey, 66% of respondents expected Ukrainian troops to expel Russian troops and restore their pre-invasion borders, with only 10% saying "the probability is low."

In particular, 53% expected Ukrainian troops to be able to expel Russian troops in areas such as the Crimean Peninsula and the eastern Donbas region and fully restore their territory.

The Ukrainian people's trust in President Volodymyr Zelensky also turned out to be "strong." When asked "Do you trust the president?", 84% answered "yes."

78% of respondents said they "support President Zelensky's response to the Russian invasion." Only 7% of the respondents answered that they were not good at dealing with it. In addition, 97% answered that they "trust" the Ukrainian army. However, confidence in the Ukrainian parliament was only 38%. 57% of the respondents said they did not trust the Diet, which was more than half.

A NORC official said, "In Ukraine, there has been a long-standing tendency to divide depending on what language is used, such as Ukrainian and Russian, but now it seems that Ukraine is united."
2022/07/05 09:56 KST