Brazilian jiu-jitsu legend shot dead in club = Korea coverage
An 8-time world champion Brazilian jiu-jitsu player has been shot dead in a nightclub.

According to the British Guardian on August 8th (local time), Brazilian jiu-jitsu player Leandro Lo (33) was shot at Club Sirio in Sao Paulo, Brazil on 7th and was taken to the hospital. but died the next day. The suspect was Enrique Otavio Oliveira Veloso, a retired military police officer who was off-duty on the day of the incident.

Witnesses said the suspect approached Ro, who was watching a samba performance, and threatened him while brandishing a glass bottle. After Mr.Lo pushed him to the floor and suppressed him for a while, he said, "Get out now," and the suspect suddenly pulled out a gun and shot two bullets in Mr.Lo's forehead. It was also reported that he vigorously kicked Mr.Lo, who had collapsed.

Lo's fellow athletes and dozens of fans staged a demonstration at a police station on Thursday demanding severe punishment for the suspect. Marcella Lima, another Brazilian jiu-jitsu player, said, "Lo was like a model for sports," and said, "The military police should be held accountable for not properly managing soldiers."

Police said the suspect fled immediately after the incident but turned himself in hours later and was investigated for attempted murder. He is currently being held in a prison in northern Sao Paulo.

The tragic news of Mr.Lo has continued to be mourned by famous athletes on SNS. American mixed martial artist Josh Thomson said, "Lo was a legend in the jiu-jitsu world. I pray for the peace of him and his family."
2022/08/13 09:26 KST