Former PM Johnson earns more than "$1M100" from speeches two months after resignation = UK
Boris Johnson, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, was found to have earned more than "1 million dollars" from external speech activities for two months after resigning.

According to the external income declaration documents of lawmakers posted on the website of the British parliament, former Prime Minister Johnson earned 1,030,782 pounds (about US$1 million) as a speaker at external events four times in October and November. Reuters reported on December 14th (local time) that it was tallied.

Former Prime Minister Johnson is now a member of the Conservative Party.

Former Prime Minister Johnson earned an average of £30,000 per hour from the four events he participated in.

"Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is known for his flamboyant speaking skills, did not fall short of expectations that he would make money as a famous public speaker", Reuters reported.
2022/12/21 09:33 KST