Japan, the US and South Korea strongly condemn North Korea's "armed provocations" and "military cooperation with Russia" at the IAEA 2024/06/05 08:03
"Onion Man" former Minister of Justice: "I'm worried that President Yoon's incompetent North Korea policy will lead to a local war." 2024/06/04 17:06
South Korean Prime Minister: "North Korean provocations are vile"... "Pushing for the suspension of North-South military agreement" 2024/06/04 15:46
White House: "Concerned about escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula" ... "Maintaining best possible posture to support South Korea" 2024/06/04 07:59
North Korea's "dirty balloon" tactic is "disgusting" and "irresponsible and immature" 2024/06/04 07:57
Will the distribution of loudspeakers and leaflets against North Korea be resumed? Rep. Kwon Young-sae of the People's Power Party proposes the first bill of the 22nd National Assembly (South Korea) 2024/06/03 20:52
South Korean government: "If North Korea does not stop its provocations, we will take intolerable measures" 2024/06/03 09:33
Foreign ministers of Japan, the US and South Korea say arms trade between North Korea and Russia should be restricted 2024/06/03 09:31
South Korean Defense Minister: "North Korea's 'filthy balloons' are not the actions of a normal country" - Asia Security Council 2024/06/01 16:57
"North wind forecast" from June 1st... Will North Korea release "dirty balloons" again? = South Korea 2024/05/31 17:12
South Korean military: "North Korea must immediately cease violations of armistice agreement"... "There were no chemicals in the balloons" 2024/05/31 08:18
North Korea wages psychological warfare with "dirty balloons," this time launching ballistic missile "provocation" - South Korea 2024/05/30 21:31
North Korean residents are banned from naming their children "Unification," "Korea," and "Hana" 2024/05/30 16:58
North Korea, in reaction to leaflet distribution, now sends "filthy balloons" to South Korea - concerns this could spark tensions between North and South Korea 2024/05/30 11:02
Presidential office to "calmly respond" to North Korea's "filthy balloon" - South Korea 2024/05/30 09:07
North Korea dumps 260 "dirty balloons" in South Korea... Only dirt and garbage found 2024/05/29 21:39
Concerns over military conflict near the Northern Limit Line (NLL) = North Korea denies the NLL itself and claims it is a "border line" drawn by itself 2024/05/29 11:34
North Korea's spy satellite "launch failure"... South Korean presidential office: "Regardless of success or failure, it is a violation of UN Security Council resolutions" 2024/05/28 08:17