"National disgrace"... Korean men arrested for "soliciting prostitution" of 15-year-old girls in Vietnam 2024/05/21 16:58
Korean man in his 20s charged with murder after killing Japanese couple for 2.5 million yen - Korean reports 2024/05/21 12:39
Korean medical student in his 20s who "murdered his girlfriend" was not a psychopath 2024/05/21 11:58
Seoul University "Nth Room Incident"... Photo of junior female college student was photoshopped and indecent material was distributed = Korea 2024/05/21 11:22
The reason why a foreigner came to the hospital with 1 million won: "Doctor... I'm sorry" = Korea 2024/05/20 21:32
When someone posts a review of a delivery meal saying "a cockroach appeared," the restaurant owner asks, "Do we really need to go to such lengths?" (Korea) 2024/05/20 20:59
A passenger car crashes into three cars while refueling... The driver claims that he "accelerated suddenly" (South Korea) 2024/05/20 11:58
Police request ban on departure of singer Kim Ho Joong and her agency CEO (South Korea) 2024/05/20 11:21
"Like Superman" - Cleaners move a broken-down car 800 meters inside a tunnel before leaving (Korea) 2024/05/20 08:40
"Why don't they have children? Issues such as work, housing prices, and education costs are all intertwined." - South Korean media 2024/05/20 07:03
A swarm of rats has taken over Takeshima? South Korean authorities begin formulating "appropriate management plan" 2024/05/19 21:33
"Kim Ho Joong was drinking before the accident"... Police raid entertainment facility in South Korea 2024/05/18 21:30
"Every 1 degree rise in global temperature will result in a 12% decline in GDP... the damage will be on par with that of war" - British newspaper 2024/05/18 19:22
"50,000 won is not enough?" The circumstances surrounding gift-giving at Korean weddings 2024/05/17 21:37
Police report weapon brandishing incident, but "it's the weekend"...Subsequent "arson" incident leaves victim in critical condition - Korea 2024/05/17 11:58
Parents who sent "threatening letters" to elementary school teachers... South Korea's education office files charges 2024/05/17 11:18
An overloaded truck driving on the highway carrying a 6-meter container "just barely fits" - South Korea 2024/05/17 09:45