6億円の当選くじが、“あの地”に不時着!映画『宝くじの不時着 1等当選くじが飛んでいきました』、高額当選者誕生の瞬間を収めた本編映像を解禁! お笑い芸人「かが屋」が寸評!!
The winning lottery ticket worth 600 million yen crash-landed on “that place”! The main footage of the movie ``Crash Landing on the Lottery: The First Prize Winning Lottery Flyed Off'', which captures the moment when the big winner is born, has been released! Comedian “Kaga” “Ya” is a short review!!
It is not a blockbuster with huge production costs, and it does not feature any major stars. Before its release in Korea in the summer season of 2022, this film was a completely unmarked work. However, sweet
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