≪韓国ドラマREVIEW≫「プレーヤー2 ~クンたちの戦争~」5話あらすじと撮影秘話…ホ・ソンテの出演シーンの撮影、楽しそうなソン・スンホン=撮影裏話・あらすじ
<Korean TV Series REVIEW> ”Player 2: The War of the Kungs” Episode 5 Synopsis and Behind the Scenes... Filming of Heo Seong Tae's scenes, Song Seungho seems to be having fun = Behind the Scenes, Synopsis character
*This contains spoilers and synopsis. *There is a making-of video on the Wowkorea page. From the beginning of the video to 2:28.
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