韓国与党「野党の “処理水”攻勢は、わが国の水産物 “不買運動”だ」
South Korean ruling party: ”The opposition party's offensive against treated water is a boycott of our country's marine products.”
On the 25th, Kim Ki-hyun, the leader of the South Korean ruling party "People's Power", responded to the offensive by the opposition party "Democratic Party" (Democratic Party) regarding the release of "radioactive treated water" from the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean.
He criticized, "This kind of method is like Japan's seafood boycott." Kim was held at the central meeting of the Fisheries Cooperative Association in Seoul on this day.
At an on-site conference to protect Japan's marine products, he said, "The opposition parties are irresponsibly fanning vague anxiety through ghost stories and incitement, and are preoccupied only with political gain."
"We're trying to reenact the past, which was profited from ghost stories," he said. He went on to say, "We paint our marine products caught in our country's innocent and pure waters with radioactive colors,
Seriously damaging the livelihoods of those involved is unforgivable and is nothing less than anti-state behavior."
Kim said, "The appearance of the opposition party's partisanship is the corruption of the opposition party leader.
It can be seen as a ``deception'' to cover up allegations of corruption, factional conflict within the party, public election issues, and lawmakers' cryptocurrency gates."
. "The ruling party and the government will give top priority to protecting the lives, safety and property of our people under any circumstances, and if Japan violates international standards and endangers the lives of the people, we will suspend the release.
We will take steps to do so,” he said. “The ruling party and the government will continue to maintain the current measures to restrict the import of marine products from Fukushima,” Kim said.
I assure you that no seafood will ever be on the table of the nation," he said. He went on to say, "The ruling party is making a real effort to help the fishermen and people involved in the fishing industry who are suffering economic damage from the DPJ's ghost stories."
We will work with the government to implement support measures so that they will be of use to the public," he promised.
2023/08/25 16:41 KST
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