「SUPER JUNIOR」キム・ヒチョル本人も衝撃!?訓練所入所の様子をサプライズ公開…「20世紀ヒットソング」
”SUPER JUNIOR” Kim Hee-chul himself is also shocked! ? Surprise release of training school entry ... ”20th century hit song”
Kim Hee-chul of the group "SUPER JUNIOR" made a surprise appearance during his time at the training school. KBS at 8:30 pm on the 25th
In the 178th “20th Century Hit Song” broadcast on Joy Channel, “Latte is ~!
Proceed to the theme. From the title of the song, it is difficult for recent generations to sympathize with Kim Hyerim's "DDD", Seotaejiwa Idol's "Classroom Idia", HANS
BAND "Game Center", TURBO "A Jazz Bar", DJ DOC's "Murphy's Law", etc.
You can see what kind of memories of the 90's are contained in the lyrics in "20th Century Hit Songs".
Age authentication is possible for public telephones, game arcades, stationery, pagers, etc.
MCs Kim Hee-chul, Kim MinA, and Lee Dong Geun Ah Naeun, who filled the feeling with a fun old story that can be sympathized with, saw the high tension of the past that no one could stop during the filming.
It is said that he set On the other hand, on this day's '20th Century Hit Song', you can see the appearance of Kim Hee-chul about 10 years ago, which surprised even the person himself. Interview with Kim Hee-chul when he entered the training school
- Both the video and the shocking photos of the time when the convocation was lifted will be released.
2023/08/25 17:01 KST
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