The South Korean government will conduct a 100-day special inspection to crack down on businesses that have misrepresented the production area, such as selling Japanese marine products under the guise of being domestic.
According to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the second special inspection of the country of origin labeling of imported marine products will be carried out starting next week. sea ahead
For two months from May to June, the Ministry of Fisheries and Fisheries, together with local governments, inspected and investigated the country of origin labeling of approximately 18,000 businesses that handle imported marine products, which is a matter of great concern to the public.
There is a history. For special inspections, inspection teams such as inspectors and special judicial police officers related to the labeling of the origin of marine products such as the National Fisheries Quality Control Agency, the Marine Police Agency, and local governments, and marine product safety public communication
groups participated. The South Korean government plans to carry out an unprecedented level of inspection and investigation of country of origin labeling after Japan released contaminated water into the ocean. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has
We will mobilize all available personnel from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, local governments, the Coast Guard, and the private sector, and conduct at least three inspections of origin for each business.”
In South Korea, disguising the country of origin is punishable by imprisonment for up to seven years or a fine of up to 100 million won (approximately 11 million yen). In addition, if the country of origin is not indicated, 50,000 U.
Fines ranging from Won (about 5,500 yen) to 10 million won (about 1.1 million yen) will be imposed.
2023/08/27 07:03 KST
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