Parents criticize nursery school for questioning whether there is a problem with this menu... Netizens respond coldly, saying, ”Childcare at home” = South Korea
In South Korea, a parent posted a picture of the food tray of his child's nursery school and raised a problem with the menu.
was On the 26th, an online community posted several photos of school lunch trays posted by a parent, Mr. A, who said, "It's a nursery school menu, but if it's this much, it might be a problem."
Parents who created the soup found it problematic that there were too many green onions in the soup and that kimchi was being served to children. Mr. A said, "My child only ate rice at nursery school, and recently I'm hungry all the time.
says it hurts Why do you put so many green onions in the soup when the children eat it? Even adults will get a stomach ache if they eat so many green onions in the soup.
isn't it? Four times a week, the soup had raw green onions like that," he confessed. He continued, “I don’t want you to eat kimchi either.
There are chili powder here and there, probably because the whip is not washed clean. The powder smelled very spicy," he said. Also, "Send pictures of your child's eating and sleeping to the nursery school.
If I say I want it, is that also a burden? I kept sending pictures of him in his daily life to Kids Note, but he didn't send me a single picture of him eating or sleeping. former, elsewhere
Is it the same?" He asked for sympathy. Internet users who saw this responded that there was no problem with the school lunch menu. Rather, it is too much to ask for pictures of the children during a busy lunch break.
It was also pointed out that it was a request. One netizen commented, "If you don't want your child to eat kimchi, you can raise the child at home. Why do you have to cater only to your child when you live in a group?"
mosquito. If you tell me not to eat, I won't let you eat. However, you have to give what comes out of the menu. If you're that worried about it, don't send him to nursery school, take him home."
Another netizen commented, "It seems that the green onions and sesame seeds were sprinkled later for decoration, but I think they will appear on the menu often. Take a picture of your child eating and send it to me.
It's gone too far," he said. Another netizen said, "Prepare spoons, chopsticks, forks, water, and food trays for children's meal times, and feed children who don't eat.
I have to give it to them, and it's hard to sit down and feed the children who leave their seats," he said, criticizing that the problem was the parents.
2023/08/29 12:04 KST
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