Concerns rise as North Korea eases border blockade, begins return to the country of its own citizens
North Korea, which has effectively closed its borders for many years due to the COVID-19 virus epidemic, has allowed its citizens to return to the country. The Korean Central News Agency reported on the 27th of this month. In response to this
A rush to return to North Korea has begun, but the South Korean government is concerned about the possibility of North Korean defectors in China being forcibly returned to North Korea.
North Korea closed its borders early in late January 2020 following the COVID-19 pandemic. virus or infection
I tried to completely stop the influx of people. As infections spread around the world, North Korea continued to insist that there were no infected people in the country for a long time, although the truth is unknown. However, in May last year, infected people
Confirmed for the first time. North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency said at the time, ``The country's most serious emergency incident has occurred, with a hole in the emergency quarantine front that has been firmly protected for two years and three months since February 2020.
It was reported. This report shocked the world, as they had continued to insist on "zero infected people" until then. Although North Korea temporarily lifted its border blockade measures in January last year,
Locked down again after the first confirmed dyer. Logistics became stagnant, and stockpiled rice, which was the mainstay of supply, was suddenly reduced. As a result, it is reported that the residents are suffering from hunger and that many people are starving to death.
was given. In August last year, North Korean leader Kim Jung Eun declared "victory" over the quarantine measures against the coronavirus. In a speech at the National Emergency Epidemic Prevention General Meeting, "The influx of the COVID-19 virus
We declare that we have achieved victory in the greatest emergency quarantine battle to eradicate the virus and protect the lives and health of the people." Various restrictions such as the obligation to wear masks have also been lifted.
In response to this declaration, it was thought that daily life would return, but as soon as one month later, wearing a mask was reinstated to prevent infectious diseases such as influenza.
and to wear them in public. In January of this year, fears of an influx from China, where the number of infected people has risen sharply after the end of the "zero coronavirus" policy, increased vigilance in border areas.
After that, when neighboring countries such as Japan and South Korea began to further promote policies to restore their daily lives, it seems that North Korea will also follow this route.
It began to show sloppy movements. In June, the customs office connecting Hamgyeongpukto Musan in the northeast and Nanping, Jilin Province in China, reopened, and trucks began transporting cargo, according to multiple South Korean media outlets.
A reported. In the same month, it was also reported that sporting events were actively held in Japan. After that, North Korea held a ceremony to commemorate the signing of the Armistice Agreement of the Korean War (July 27).
He has eased the restrictions on various occasions, including inviting delegations from Russia and China. In addition, North Korea's state-owned Air Koryo has resumed flights between Pyongyang and Beijing from the 22nd of this month. North
An Air Koryo counter at Kyoto Capital International Airport reportedly had a line of North Korean residents wishing to return to the country. Also, on the 25th, an Air Koryo passenger plane that departed from Pyongyang flew to Vladivost, Russia.
arrived at The opening of North Korea's borders was thought to be imminent after North Korea resumed flights to China and Russia.
And on the 27th, the Korean Central News Agency announced that the National Emergency Epidemic Prevention Officer responsible for North Korea's infection control
Ryobu reported, "According to the decision of the National Emergency Quarantine Command to adjust the quarantine level, the return to the country of our citizens (North Korean nationals) who have been overseas has been approved." After about 3 years and 7 months
Officially, the lockdown measures have been relaxed. Those who return to the country will be quarantined in a facility for a week. On the other hand, on the 28th, Koo Pyeong-sam, a spokesman for the South Korean Ministry of Unification (the department is equivalent to a ministry), responded to North Korea's easing measures.
Expressing concern over possible deportation of North Korean defectors staying in the country. "I would like to emphasize once again that North Korean defectors in China must not be deported against their will and their will must be respected."
said. In addition, Minister of Foreign Affairs (equivalent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Park Jin met with representatives of North Korean human rights groups in South Korea on the 25th. According to South Korea's Yonhap news agency, Minister Park
He explained that the government's position that he should not be deported was conveyed in consultations with relevant countries. Emphasizes that it is making diplomatic efforts under the principle of accepting all North Korean defectors who wish to go to South Korea.
It is said that
2023/08/29 11:27 KST
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