”SHINee” Key returns home at dawn after filming the music video, ”It's empty...I'm in a state where I can cry if I stimulate my emotions.”
Key of the Korean boy group SHINee returned home at dawn with a worried expression on his face. The MBC variety show “I Live Alone” will be broadcast on September 1st.
"Pee Life" will reveal Key's daily life as he takes a break at home after finishing his schedule as a singer. On this day's broadcast, the music video (MV) shooting was completed until dawn.
Etaki finally gets home at 4:30 in the morning. The key is to turn off the menu management switch, saying, ``It's a habit I always do after the MV (shooting) is over.'' I wanted to eat while I was managing the menu.
As soon as he heard the ``Seoul food,'' a smile naturally spread across Key's mouth. As if knowing that “key daddy” was in trouble, his dog Komde quietly approached next to key.
, The two shots staring at the key are captured and attract the line of sight. Key appealed to Commede's heartbreaking eye contact, which was different from usual, and said, "Thank you, dad...try it."
I also did it. As the morning dawns, Key spends time facing himself and explodes with emotion. The key is, ``It's more like feeling empty than feeling lonely, and if someone stirs up your emotions, you can cry.''
"I do," he confesses, drawing attention to his true feelings. On the other hand, Key's image of spending time for himself at the end of a hard day will be broadcast on September 1st at 11:10 p.m. in "I Live Alone."
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2023/08/31 14:01 KST
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