Last year, there were approximately 28,000 cases of child abuse in South Korea, and 50 children died from abuse. More than 80% of abusers are parents, and the place of abuse is often the home.
As a result of the investigation, I found out. The Ministry of Health and Welfare published the 2022 Annual Report on Child Abuse on the 31st, which includes these contents. Based on the Child Welfare Act, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has been conducting
In 2017, the annual report on child abuse was submitted to the Diet. According to the report, the number of child abuse reports last year was 46,103, a decrease of 7,829 (14.5%) from the previous year (53,932).
. Of the reported cases, 27,971 cases were determined to be child abuse after investigation by civil servants specializing in child abuse, a decrease of 9,634 cases (25.6%) from the previous year (37,605 cases).
However, in the case of 2021, the year before the survey, public interest in child abuse was high due to the ``16-month-old foster child abuse case'' that occurred at the end of 2020, and children were affected by the COVID-19 virus infection.
The report analyzed that reports of abuse temporarily spiked as people started spending more time at home. In fact, excluding 2021, the number of child abuse reports in the last five years was 36,417 in 2018 (judgment: 24,417).
604 cases), 41,389 cases (30,45 cases) in 2019, and 42,251 cases (30,905 cases) in 2020, showing an increasing trend.
Of the child abuse judgment cases last year, there were 23,119 cases in which the abusers were parents, 82.7
%. After parents, the percentage of abusers was mostly housemates and surrogate caregivers (10.9%) such as kindergarten, school, cram school, and welfare facility workers.
Regarding the place of abuse, domestic abuse was the most common at 81.3% (22,738 cases).
There were 2,787 cases in which child victims were separated from their families and protected, accounting for 10% of all abuse cases. From March 2021
Temporary custody measures were introduced in which the responsible public official immediately separated the suspected victim when there were repeated complaints or strong suspicions of signs of abuse.
Last year, there were 4,475 cases of reabuse, accounting for 16.0% of the total. This is an increase of 1.3 percentage points from the previous year.
Re-abuse has been judged as a child abuse case in the last 5 years, but it was reported and judged again, and the re-abuse rate was 10.3% in 2018.
→ 11.4% in 2019 → 11.9% in 2020 → 14.7% in 2021, and so on. The report “enhances public accountability for child abuse and promotes child abuse reporting and adjudication.”
We are conducting more in-depth research into history and continuing to strengthen management and monitoring of child abuse families. This seems to be the result of more aggressive detection of re-abuse cases than before.
” he explained. Meanwhile, the number of children who died from abuse was tallied at 50 last year. The number of child abuse deaths is 28 in 2018, 42 in 2019, 43 in 2020, and 40 in 2021.
The number of child deaths in 2018 increased by 78.6% compared to 2018. Last year, 28 children under the age of 2 (under 36 months) died from abuse. By cause of death, parents kill their children
After giving birth, 14 people lost their lives due to mistakes, and 5 died after giving birth due to things such as being in the toilet. The Ministry of Health and Welfare is conducting the first health check-up in a lifetime to detect children under the age of two who are at risk of abuse.
We are expanding the birth control business and promoting the introduction of the protected childbirth system. The plan is to check the whereabouts and safety of children by using major crisis indicators, such as non-medical facilities at medical institutions.
In addition, in order to encourage child abuse reporting, the range of people who are required to report child abuse has been expanded, and consultations with parents have been implemented to prevent re-abuse.
, continue to expand support for restoring household functions.
2023/08/31 21:29 KST
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