The number of YouTubers in South Korea is increasing, but the reality is severe, ”1 million won a month is hard”
``I quit my job and spent a lot of time and effort, but my income was less than 1 million won (approximately 110,000 yen) a month.'' (YouTuber Mr. P)
“Making money as a YouTuber is not as easy as it sounds” (YouTuber K)
Even in South Korea, the reality for many YouTubers is harsh. Still, I dream of becoming a YouTuber because I earn more money as a YouTuber than my company's monthly salary.
It is said that there are surprisingly many office workers. As a result, more and more people are jumping into the world of YouTubers. On the 3rd, South Korean opposition party Democratic Party member Han Byeong-do received a letter from the National Tax Service.
According to the data obtained, it was found that the number of solo media creators, represented by YouTubers, is rapidly increasing. 2776 in 2019 to 20,756 in 2020, 2021
The number has increased to 34,219 per year. Last year's numbers were not made public, but the industry estimates that the number exceeded 40,000. 30,000 "single media creators" who filed their 2021 comprehensive income tax
The total income of 4,219 people was 858.998 billion won (approximately 94.6 billion yen). As the number of YouTubers increases, the amount of imports also tends to increase. 87,511 million won in 2019
The amount increased significantly from 2020 to 452,081 million won in 2020 and 858,898 million won in 2021. However, when we look at the actual situation, we find that income is concentrated in the top 1%.
Karu. The income of the top 1% was 243.865 billion won, accounting for 24.8% of the total. Their average income per person was 713 million won (approximately 78.5 million yen).
On the other hand, many YouTubers earned less than the minimum cost of living. Most YouTubers earn an average annual income of only 400,000 won (approximately 44,000 yen). The National Tax Agency
According to the ``Status of Earnings of Single Media Creators,'' submitted to the office of Rep. Yang Kyung-sook of the Democratic Party, the average annual income of the bottom 50% of income in 2021 will be 400,000 won.
Stopped. It decreased from 2019 (1 million won). “Many people dream of becoming a YouTuber and buy expensive camera equipment only to lose a lot of money.
It's not easy. In the end, many people give up.” (Mr. "It's a system in which only the top few percent of people earn money. The problem is the revenue distribution structure that is unfavorable to YouTubers," said Mr. K.
YouTube shares ad revenue with creators if they reach 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of content watched in the past year. But even this
45% will be deducted as commission. A famous YouTuber with 2 million subscribers said, "I made one video for three days, got 1 million views, and earned 600,000 U.S. dollars.
It's about 100 yen. We have to deduct the various expenses necessary for video work from the profit and divide it with the members who help with the work.”
said there weren't as many as known in between.
2023/09/04 06:46 KST
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