<インタビュー>Netflixで配信予定のタイドラマ「The Bride of Naga」主演のGreen Ausadaporn、作品や近況について語る
<Interview> Green Ausadaporn, who stars in the Thai TV series “The Bride of Naga” scheduled for STREAM on Netflix, talks about his work and current situation
Thai actress Green Ausadaporn visits South Korea to host the Thai TV series 'The Bride of Netflix' scheduled to premiere in September on Netflix.
Naga” and other topics. Q.Please introduce yourself.
I am Green, who has been working as an actress and singer in Thailand for 15 years.
At Ausadaporn, it's simply called Green. Previously, she was also active as a singer and released two albums, but recently she has been mainly active as an actress and model. 18-year-old
He started his entertainment activities by appearing on the famous music program "Academy Plentaciel". Appeared in 24 TV Series and 2 musicals.
Q.Why did you visit Korea this time? This is my 4th time to come to Korea.
I came here because I wanted to experience and learn about llamas. I was curious about how high quality Korean TV series are made, so I came here to learn Korean first.
I also appeared on a variety show promoting Gangwon-do (Gangwon-do) that was aired on Arirang TV, and it was a great experience.
Q.Do you have a favorite Korean song? I'm learning "Super Shy" by "New Jeans" and I love the TV series "Secret Garden" so I'm listening to the sounds that appear there.
I love music. Q.Horror is very popular in Thailand, have you ever acted in it? There was no movie, but he appeared in the TV series "Kono Niisan".
Q.Could you tell us about this work? “The Bride of
The TV series "Naga" is based on a Thai legend about snakes. Thai's
This is a TV series about a love story about a snake that people trust and pray for so that they can earn a lot of money.This is the 16th full-length TV series. I am playing as a female protagonist.
Q.Are you interested in expanding into Korea and Japan? I only go back and forth to Japan for sightseeing, and I have a lot of interest in it. I am very interested in entering Korea. na
This is because there seems to be little cultural difference. Finally, he said to his Japanese and Korean fans, ``I want to continue promoting in Korea and Japan, so I would like to ask for your continued support,'' with a smile on his face.
finished the interview.
2023/09/04 14:00 KST
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