President Yoon ”Japan, the United States and South Korea fully support ASEAN” ... ”Discover new areas of cooperation”
South Korean President Yoon Seo-gyeol said on the 6th (local time), ``Based on full support for the regional structure led by ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), South Korea, the United States, and Japan
We will adjust our Pacific strategy and explore new areas of cooperation." President Yoon, who is visiting Jakarta, Indonesia to attend the ``ASEAN Summit,''
At the Korea-ASEAN Summit, he said, ``Up until now, I have made continuous efforts to strengthen cooperation between Korea, the United States, and Japan.
A new era has opened." This is the intention to ``build on Korea-U.S.-Japan cooperation and expand the scope and breadth of cooperation with countries in the Indo-Pacific region, including ASEAN.''
President Yoon then spoke about the launch of the annual Korea-U.S.-Japan Indo-Pacific Dialogue and the support for maritime security capabilities of ASEAN and Pacific island countries.
He introduced the launch of the Korea-U.S.-Japan Maritime Security Cooperation Framework.
President Yoon also announced that South Korea's regional policy focused on ASEAN.
“Korea-ASEAN Solidarity Initiative (KASI)
``The Korea-ASEAN Solidarity Initiative emphasizes the centrality of ASEAN and the importance of ASEAN in the Indo-Pacific.''
South Korea's firm support for the perspective is the foundation," he said.
I think so,” he said. In addition to cooperation centered on the economic and social fields to date, this means that in the rapidly changing regional and international security environment, ASEAN countries will work together to address the security, national defense, defense industry, and global crises.
The strategy is to strengthen comprehensive cooperation in a variety of fields, including:
2023/09/06 15:27 KST
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