Lee Jae-myung (Lee Jae-myung), leader of the South Korean opposition party "Democratic Party of Korea," who is suspected of sending money to North Korea by the major South Korean underwear manufacturer "Sangbangwul," will appear before the prosecution on the 9th. Representative Lee
If he appears this time, it will be the fifth prosecutor's summons investigation. Park Sung-Jun, a spokesperson for the Minjoo Party, held a press conference on the 7th, saying, "The prosecution has ignored the National Assembly many times, and finally Lee has been appointed to a regular session of the National Assembly.
He demanded an unprecedented coercive summons to give up his seat duty and appear in front of him," Lee said, adding, "Representative Lee will appear at the Suwon District Prosecutor's Office on the 9th."
Spokesperson Park said, ``The date and time of appearance requested by the prosecution is a period of interrogation of the government that focuses on the misgovernment of the Yoon Seo-gyeol government.''
"We express deep regret over the unconstitutional behavior of the prosecutors who deny the parliamentary activities stipulated by the Constitution," he said. And "When they act wickedly, we act virtuously,"
“Representative Lee will appear before the prosecution on the 9th, right after the end of the government questioning session, and will boldly stand up to the Yoon Seok-yue administration’s outrageous summons,” he stressed.
Prior to this, Lee said yesterday that he would appear before the prosecution on the 12th, but the prosecution
He demanded that the suspect be investigated "within this week." Representative Lee, who is under investigation by the Suwon District Public Prosecutors Office, is accused of remittances to North Korea through ``Sangbangul.'' Kim Sung Tae former member of 'Sangban Eul' group
In 2019, the chairman announced that at the request of Lee Hwa-young, vice governor of Gyeonggi Province, the cost of the ``North Korea smart farm creation support project'' to be paid by Gyeonggi province was $5 million (approximately 738 million dollars).
According to the report, he sent a total of $8 million to North Korea, including $3 million (approximately 443 million yen) for the Gyeonggi Province governor's visit to North Korea, which North Korea had requested at the time.
Prosecutors suspected that Lee, who was the governor of Gyeonggi Province at the time, was involved in the payment of ``Sangbangul,'' and filed a case against him on charges of accepting bribes from a third party.
2023/09/07 12:02 KST
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