Kim Ki-hyun, leader of the people's power, and Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party, said, ``Are you fasting right now?
Kim Ki-hyun, representative of People's Power (ruling party), said on the 7th, regarding the fasting struggle in the National Assembly by Lee Jae-myung and other representatives of the Democratic Party (opposition), ``Are they fasting right now?
I don't really understand," he said. After finishing the 'Financial Competitiveness Conference' in Busan that day, Kim met with reporters and said,
Do you have any plans to go and persuade people to stop eating?" Representative Lee has been fasting for eight days. Under such circumstances, Kim's words are fasting without actually eating and drinking.
is analyzed as doubting whether it is correct to Other ruling party officials continue to criticize Lee. Rep. Kim Sung-tae, who has experienced a hunger strike, said the day before, B
On the BS Radio program 'Jung Young-shin's Morning Journal', he said, ``After three days (of fasting), my five organs and organs become disordered. All my arrogance disappears. By the fourth or fifth day, most of my arrogance has disappeared.
I was drowsy, and in my case, on the 7th or 8th day, I had trouble breathing and could see the stars." In 2018, Rep. Kim former member of the Liberty Korea Party (the predecessor of the People's Power) was the floor leader of the Democratic Party of Japan, which was the ruling party at the time.
They demanded that the party accept the special prosecutor for Druking, and staged a sit-in in front of the National Assembly. Rep. Kim Former was taken to the hospital nine days later and stopped fasting.
Meanwhile, on this day, Tae Yong-ho, a member of the People's Power Council, visited the site of Representative Lee's fasting sit-in.
He demanded that fellow Democratic Party members who visited him and verbally abused him leave the party. During a question to the government the day before, Rep. Tai said, ``Political forces that use the release of Fukushima treated water as a political advantage are in fact the North Koreans.''
The Korean Communist Party, the Communist Party of China, and our country are all Democratic Party members." At the same time, harsh words such as ``garbage came from North Korea'' were thrown around by Democratic Party members.
2023/09/08 04:55 KST
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