Opposition leader Lee Jae-myung 19%, Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon 12%...The gap has narrowed in terms of ``likeability of future political leaders'' = South Korea
In South Korea's ``Future Political Leaders Likeability'' survey, public opinion found that ``Lee Jae-myung, the representative of the opposition Democratic Party, received 19%, and Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon received 12%.''
The results of the survey were announced on the 8th. Korea's public opinion research organization "Korea Gallup" surveyed 1,000 voters from the 5th to the 7th of this month and asked, "What are the political leaders who will lead our country in the future?
When asked the question, "Who do you think is suitable as president?" (free answer), Lee maintained his first place with 19%. Justice Minister Han came in second place with 12%. In a survey 3 months ago
Representative Lee scored 22%, while Justice Minister Han scored 11%, a difference of more than 10%, but recently that gap has narrowed to 7%.
Lee's favorability rating was 15% in a survey conducted in the second week of June last year after the presidential election.
However, it rose to 27% in the first week of September of the same year, immediately after being elected as party representative, and has declined slightly since then. On the other hand, in the case of Justice Minister Han, in the survey conducted in the second week of June last year, when his name first came up,
It was 4%, but it exceeded 10% in December of the same year, and rose to 12% in this survey. Other political leaders are Hong Jun-pyo, mayor of Daegu, and Lee Nak-yeon.
) former "Democratic Party" representatives with 3% each, Seoul Mayor Oh Sehun, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Won Hee-ryong, former Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-young, a
Ruling party ``People's Power'' lawmaker Ng Cheol-soo (Ahn Cheol-soo) each recorded 2%.
2023/09/09 16:38 KST
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