South Korea's President Yoon returns to the country after the East Asia Summit and G20 Summit, and his ”values diplomacy” has once again been divided in his country.
On the 11th, South Korean President Yoon Seo-gyul announced a series of dates including the East Asia Summit held in Indonesia and the G20 Summit in India.
I finished and returned to the country. Regarding the characteristics and results of President Yoon's recent trip, the presidential office cited ``an end to diplomatic ambiguity.'' Meanwhile, on the 11th, the Korean newspaper Hankyoreh, which is critical of the current government, reported that Yun was ``out of line with values.''
We published an article expressing concern that the country is moving toward "transactions." Mr. Yoon visited Jakarta, Indonesia from the 5th to the 8th. At the East Asia Summit, which he attended, Mr. Yun said, ``Recently, we have made efforts to improve Korea-Japan relations.''
Just as the trilateral cooperation between South Korea, the US, and Japan has entered a new stage, the revitalization of the three countries will serve as a stepping stone toward a new leap forward in ASEAN Plus Three cooperation.'' Korea, China and China leaders
"We would like to maintain close communication with the Japanese and Japanese governments in order to resume trilateral cooperation mechanisms, including meetings." In addition, in individual meetings with the leaders of each country, there were concerns that an imminent
The arms trade between North Korea and Russia is pointed out as a serious security threat. He called for cooperation from the international community to stop North Korea's nuclear and missile provocations.
Mr. Yoon visited New Delhi, India, on the 8th, and attended the G20 Summit, which opened the following day. invasion of russia
The government announced its policy to provide support of 300 million dollars (approximately 44.3 billion yen) to Ukraine next year, and more than 2 billion dollars over the medium to long term from 2025 onwards. During his stay, he met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang and discussed North Korea's nuclear situation.
He called on the United Nations Security Council to take action as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in responding to the threat. He also met with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and held a meeting between Japan, China, and South Korea, which has not been held since December 2019.
He proposed moving forward with the process to hold brain talks as soon as possible. Kishida reportedly expressed his support. This is the sixth meeting between the leaders of Japan and South Korea since March this year.
After completing a series of dates, Yoon returned to the country on the morning of the 11th. The South Korean Presidential Office has announced that Mr. Yoon will be attending the East Asia Summit and the G20 Summit.
He cited ``an end to diplomatic ambiguity'' as an outcome of his attendance. According to the Korean newspaper JoongAng Ilbo, a person close to the presidential office said, ``If the previous administration emphasized ambiguity in diplomacy, President Yoon has
Our position is that we should clearly present the value we are aiming for." According to the paper, diplomatic officials pointed out that there were three scenes during Yun's visit that gave an impression of "an end to diplomatic ambiguity."
did. The first point was that Yun called on China and Russia to take international responsibility for the threat posed by North Korea. At the East Asia Summit, which he attended, Mr. Yun announced that North Korea had been subject to sanctions from the United Nations Security Council.
``The responsibility of the permanent members of the Security Council that adopted the sanctions resolution is even heavier,'' he said. It is clear that this statement was made with China and Russia in mind. Under the previous administration, regarding North Korea,
Considering the influence of both countries, they have refrained from making statements demanding responsibility from both countries at multilateral forums. The second point was that Mr. Yun directly criticized human rights in North Korea.
``We must not turn a blind eye to the harsh reality of the human rights of the people who are mobilized as a means of maintaining power by the (North Korean) dictatorial regime,'' he said at multilateral meetings. Third, Mr. Yun talks about the “Indo-Pacific Strategy.”
He once again emphasized the importance of international norms and also mentioned the importance of international norms. There was a time when the previous administration avoided it due to concerns about how it would be perceived by China.
According to JoongAng Ilbo, Yun spoke at a ceremony to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the National Diplomatic Center on the 1st of this month, saying,
Vagueness means the absence of values and philosophy." The paper said, ``This means that the diplomatic philosophy he made clear in his commemorative speech was put into practice on the ground (at the East Asia Summit and the G20 Summit).
” he explained. On the other hand, Song Hani-young, a political reporter for the Hankyoreh, another leading newspaper, wrote in an article published on the 11th, ``There is a huge difference of opinion between President Yoon and many South Koreans regarding foreign policy and security.
will occur,” he pointed out. At the commemoration ceremony at the National Diplomatic Center, Mr. Yoon said, ``We are a country that shares universal values of freedom, human rights, and the rule of law, and a country that respects the international order based on norms.''
"We must work together with the rest of the world to build a strong cooperative network in security, economy, information, and cutting-edge technology." On top of that, reporter Song said, ``The point is to make sure that we work together with the United States and Japan.''
, the order is that we must win the battle against communist totalitarian forces. "I am surprised that he is claiming that values are more important than national interests." The structure of conflict between Japan, the United States, South Korea, and China, North Korea, and Russia has become even clearer.
coming. It has also been pointed out that China, North Korea, and Russia may hold joint military exercises in opposition to Japan, the United States, and South Korea. Reporter Song expressed concern, saying, ``I'm worried. President Yoon may have thrown open the gates of hell.''
2023/09/12 13:36 KST
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