Man arrested for pouring oil on the stairs of a fitness club in China's Hunan province... Noise problem may have been the cause - Chinese report
A man has been arrested for pouring oil on the stairs at a fitness club in Yongzhou, Hunan Province, China. According to footage from a security camera installed at a fitness club.
At around 8pm (local time) on the 12th of this month, a man entered the facility with a container of liquid in his hand. The man approached about 10 steps, doused himself with liquid, and then quickly left the area. I'm not a good man
It was oil. About 10 minutes later, a man was coming down the stairs, slipped and fell on the way down. Shortly afterwards, an elderly man slipped down the stairs, and he lay face down at the bottom of the stairs, unable to move for a moment.
There didn't seem to be any. About five minutes later, the man got up and was sitting leaning against the wall, when a woman came down from above. The man called out to her not to get off, but the woman got caught and screamed as she climbed down the stairs.
I slipped down the stairs. After receiving the report, the police identified the man who had sprayed the oil and took him into custody on the afternoon of the 14th. Police investigation reveals noise dispute between this man and fitness club
It was found that a problem had occurred. The man runs a shop on the floor below the fitness club and had called the police several times regarding noise problems at the fitness club.
Discussions were held with the ward authorities, and on September 10, two days before the incident, the fitness club decided to strengthen its soundproofing measures.
It is said that they had agreed. A fitness club official said, ``We were in the process of ordering soundproof sheets, but something like this happened first.''
The man is currently in police custody for 12 days.
2023/09/15 15:35 KST
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