Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education works hard to protect teachers' teaching rights...recorded phone calls, lawyer support, etc. = South Korea
In recent years, there have been a number of incidents in South Korea of teachers committing suicide due to excessive complaints and violence from parents. In response to this situation, the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education announced on the 19th a plan to protect the teaching rights of teachers.
Announced comprehensive measures. The plan includes concrete measures such as installing telephones to record parents' complaints and having lawyers in charge of each school provide support.
Seoul City Superintendent Cho Hee-young held a press conference on the 19th at the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, and explained that education can be broadly divided into three categories.
Announced comprehensive measures to protect activities. First, we will create a system to efficiently handle complaints from parents to reduce the burden on teachers. Utilize artificial intelligence (AI) for simple, repetitive queries
A chatbot is available 24 hours a day. After a trial run from December, the plan is to introduce it to all schools next March. For matters that cannot be handled by chatbots, call center 13
96's specialized counselors will respond by phone or chat. Inquiries by school will be explained on the school's website. For complaints from parents that cannot be resolved by these measures, please contact the school representative.
Accept by phone. The main phone number for the school is supervised by the school principal, and calls for academic affairs and academic affairs are answered by the vice principal, and calls for administrative calls are returned by the head of the administrative office after consulting with the person in charge. Recorded phone calls will be installed in all elementary schools in Seoul by next year.
The system is scheduled to be installed at a school, and 3 billion won (approximately 330 million yen) will be provided as support for the installation cost. Second, strengthen control over when parents visit schools. Parents can message
Reservations must be made in advance on the Kakao Talk app, and entry will only be possible if approved. After a trial run from November this year, it will begin at schools of your choice from September next year. A in the interview room
A video surveillance system has been installed, and any incidents of abusive language or assault will be immediately reported. The interview room will be located in a separate location from educational activities, and will also include a waiting room. The system has been on trial since December.
We plan to expand and install it after use. Third, if a teacher is reported to be abusing a child, we will respond promptly. The Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education has entered into a business agreement with the Seoul Local Bar Association to establish a "one school, one lawyer" system.
Introduce. In the event of a child abuse case, lawyers will provide legal advice and advice and, if necessary, support prosecution. “Child Abuse and Educational Activities Protection Rapid Response Team” established at the Educational Support Agency
The government will also provide support for cases of teachers infringing on their teaching rights. Superintendent Cho said, ``Through the rapid response team, teachers will be able to receive stable support without having to travel to various institutions.
This will protect them from reports of malicious child abuse that are difficult to respond to." In addition, the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education plans to prepare guidelines for ``separating'' students who do not respond to teachers' lifestyle guidance.
2023/09/20 06:44 KST
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