Former President Moon says of ``broken inter-Korean relations''...``We must break free from the distorted myth that 'security is conservative''' = South Korea
On the 19th, former South Korean President Moon Jae-in told the Yun Seo-gyul government, ``Considering the current state of inter-Korean relations, which has collapsed to such an extent that I wonder when such a thing has ever happened.
It's unfortunate," he said strongly. This afternoon, President Moon held a speech at Building 63 in Yeouido, Seoul.
Greetings at the “5th Anniversary Ceremony of the September 19 Pyongyang Joint Declaration”
In his address, he said, ``Right now, inter-Korean relations are extremely dangerous.In addition to North Korea's repeated provocations, recent diplomacy is exacerbating the crisis on the Korean Peninsula.''
He went on to say, ``Right now, it doesn't seem like the mood is for 'dialogue.'' ``However, looking back,
"Looking back, the situation in 2017, when the Bunzen government was inaugurated, was even more severe than it is now." Former President Moon said, ``At the time (the Moon government in 2017), ``the United States was considering military options and war scenarios.''
Rio was being considered, but later testimony from U.S. officials confirmed that this was true.''At that time, the war crisis on the Korean Peninsula was an actual situation.''
'' he explained. ``However, the Moon government believed that ``at the end of every crisis there is always an opportunity for dialogue, and the deeper the crisis, the closer the opportunity for dialogue approaches,'' and was preparing for dialogue.''
"The only way to prevent this crisis from escalating into conflict is through dialogue." While talking about the lessons of the September 19 Pyongyang Joint Declaration, former President Moon said, ``Let's look into the security and economy of successive governments.''
"In a nutshell, it can be confirmed that the reformist governments of Kim Dae-jung, Roh Moo-hyun, and Moon Jae-in had excellent security and economic performance." he claimed.
He continued, ``I would like to emphasize that the time has now come to break free from the distorted myths that ``A conservative government is better for national security'' and ``A conservative government is better for the economy.''
Former President Moon also criticized the Yun government's foreign policy. Former President Moon said, ``If we lean too much toward camp diplomacy and lose the balance of diplomacy, there will be no gains in terms of security and the economy.''
``There is a risk that we will lose more than we gain,'' and ``We need a delicate diplomatic strategy that places the utmost importance on alliances while pursuing balanced diplomacy.''
2023/09/20 07:43 KST
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