South Korean government ”Analyzing the need to change the term 'contaminated water'”...”A decision will be made soon”
On the 22nd, the South Korean government announced that, regarding the terminology issue regarding "radioactively treated water" (in South Korea, "contaminated water") from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, "We will decide on changes soon after completing an analysis of opinions from various fields."
revealed. At a press conference on treated water held at the government building in Seoul on the same day, Park Koo-young, first deputy director of the Korean State Affairs Coordination Office, asked, ``Is the government considering changing the terminology in the next former year?''
In response to a question from a reporter, he said, ``Various departments are directly and indirectly checking the matter.'' Deputy Director Park said, ``There were quite a few people who said it would be better to change to 'treated water,' and there were concerns about the change.
``It is difficult to talk about the direction yet, and further analysis is required.'' He continued, ``Fishers are the most directly affected by the release of contaminated water.
The current situation is even more urgent.However, since the overall national sentiment and sentiment are intertwined, we will decide on a direction in the near future after comprehensively considering it.''
” he added. On the 19th, Park Sung Hoon, vice-minister of the South Korean Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (Ministry), announced that the National Public Service Personnel Development Institute was presenting the theme of “Responding to Contaminated Water and Revitalizing Domestic Seafood Consumption”.
Appearing on a YouTube course held on 2018, he said, ``There are more and more voices saying that ``contaminated treated water'' is a better name for treated water.''
2023/09/22 16:01 KST
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