Will South Korean Prime Minister's meeting with Chinese President Xi lead to improved China-South Korea relations?
South Korean Prime Minister Han Deok-soo, who visited Hangzhou in eastern China to attend the opening ceremony of the Asian Games, met with Chinese President Xi Jinping on the 23rd. As relations between China and South Korea cool down, Mr. Xi
The stable development of Korean relations serves the common interests of both countries. We hope to advance our strategic cooperative partnership together,'' he said, emphasizing the friendship between China and South Korea. Also, it has not been opened since December 2019.
He expressed his intention to welcome the trilateral summit meeting between Japan, China, and South Korea at an appropriate time. Regarding China-Korea relations, South Korean President Yoon Seo-gyul (Yun Seok-yeoul) has expressed concerns about relations with Japan and the United States.
The situation worsened as the foreign policy priorities were pursued. In June of this year, Chinese Ambassador to South Korea Shin Haiming made a comment criticizing the foreign policy of the Yun administration, which caused a stir. Ambassador Shin, South Korea
In a meeting with Lee Jae-myung, representative of the largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Japan, he said, ``I hope that South Korea can break free from external interference in its relations with China,'' and expressed his desire for US-South Korea relations and trilateral cooperation between Japan, the US, and South Korea. of
The Yun administration's foreign policy, which it places a high priority on, is in check. ``Some people are betting that the US will win and China will lose. It's a wrong decision, and they will definitely regret it later,'' he said, adding that he believes that outside interference such as US pressure can lead to mistakes.
He warned them not to make such judgments. It was unusual for a foreign ambassador to openly criticize the government of the host country, and at the time, Chang Ho-jin, first vice-minister of the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (equivalent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), summoned the KEI ambassador to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
expressed strong regret. Subsequently, a China-South Korea vice-ministerial level meeting was held in July, and it was agreed that relations would improve. This time, Prime Minister Han visited China to attend the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, and took part in training there.
I met with the president of the state. It has been four and a half years since a South Korean prime minister visited China. The meeting lasted about 30 minutes, during which Mr. Xi said, ``China and South Korea are close neighbors and inseparable partners.''
``With close economic ties and deep integration of supply chains, China and South Korea can deepen cooperation and continue to achieve results for each other,'' he said, adding that strengthening economic ties between the two countries will help South Korea
He emphasized that this would also benefit the country. In response, Han said, ``We hope to jointly promote global economic recovery and growth by strengthening economic and trade cooperation and people-to-people exchanges.''
The summit meeting between Japan, China, and South Korea, which South Korea is aiming to hold as soon as possible, was also brought up, and Mr. Xi stated that he would ``welcome holding it at an appropriate time.''
The first Japan-China-South Korea summit was held in 1999 at the suggestion of then Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi, in conjunction with an international conference in the Philippines. 3 since 2008
The event was held on a rotating basis by country. So far, the two leaders have discussed such topics as dealing with North Korea, which is proceeding with its nuclear and missile development, as well as economic cooperation.
The 2019 meeting will be held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China in December, and will work closely together in response to North Korea.
I agree with that. They also confirmed that they will promote free trade, including the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the Japan-China-Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
However, the following year, 2020, was postponed due to the deterioration of Japan-Korea relations as well as the spread of the COVID-19 virus. 2021
It was not held in 2022 either. In March of this year, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida held a joint press conference with President Yun, who had visited Japan, saying, ``We agree on the importance of restarting the high-level Japan-ROK-China process as soon as possible.''
"He expressed his desire to resume the China-China-ROK summit meeting." South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin also attended the ASEAN (Southeast Asia) meeting held in Jakarta, Indonesia in July.
At the Foreign Ministers' Meeting of Japan, China, and South Korea (Association of Nations) Plus Three (Japan, Japan, and South Korea), they expressed their intention to resume the Japan-China-ROK summit. Last month, South Korean Ambassador to the United States Cho Hyung-dong announced that a Japan-China-South Korea summit will be held within the year.
It has been revealed that adjustments are being made. Ambassador Cho said, ``As the host country (South Korea), we are consulting with the two countries (Japan and China) and making every effort to host the event.''
Mr. Xi has not visited South Korea since July 2014. In a meeting with Han on the 23rd, Mr. Xi also said that he would "seriously consider visiting South Korea."
The Chinese government appears to be aiming to break down the cooperation between Japan, the United States, and South Korea by promoting improved relations with South Korea, and this meeting is aimed at
It will be interesting to see whether this will lead to improvements in relations between the two countries and whether it will lead to a trilateral summit meeting between Japan, China and South Korea within the year.
2023/09/26 10:30 KST
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