South Korean man sentenced to 25 years in prison by Supreme Court for killing mother by making her drink car antifreeze
A woman accused of killing her mother by making her drink antifreeze from her car has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. On the 27th, the South Korean Supreme Court ruled that defendant A, who is accused of murdering an ascendant and attempting to murder an ascendant,
The appeal court confirmed the original court's sentence of 25 years in prison. The trial chamber ruled against the appeal, stating, ``We cannot consider that the sentence of the trial court, which sentenced him to 25 years in prison, was too severe and unjust.''
. Defendant A was put on trial in December last year on charges of murdering his mother in her 60s by mixing car antifreeze in her drink at a villa (low-rise apartment complex) in Incheon in September last year. last
He was also charged with attempting to kill her using similar methods in January and June 2019, respectively. According to the facts acknowledged by the court, Defendant A will repay the loan debt with another loan.
The investigation found that the company's debt situation gradually worsened due to its poor economic circumstances. At that time, it was discovered that he had received loans in his mother's name, stolen money and goods, and used them to pay off debts.
The resulting dispute ensued. The prosecutor decided that if the mother died, she would be able to escape from the transferred debt, and the insurance proceeds would be used to pay off the debt.
It was determined that defendant A committed the crime in pursuit of money. Although Defendant A confessed to the crime in court, he did not commit the crime for the purpose of collecting death benefits or escaping financial difficulties.
made the claim. However, the trial chamber of the first instance determined that defendant A's motive for the crime could be fully acknowledged. Defendant A received the insurance money that his mother received when she was hospitalized after the attempted murder of her ascendant in January last year.
Defendant A subsequently consulted with the insurance company regarding the reinstatement of her mother's expired life insurance; Defendant A said, "If my family dies, there will be no insurance," and "Bankruptcy for caring for dependents." ,"House
Taking into account the fact that the suspect had searched for "cancellation of bankbook in family name," etc., it was determined that there was a motive for the murder. The trial court found defendant A guilty of all charges and sentenced him to 25 years in prison. Ma
He was also ordered to undergo probation for five years from the end of his sentence. The second trial judge also upheld the decision of the first trial court. Defendant A appealed, but the Supreme Court also ruled that there was no problem with this decision.

2023/09/27 11:57 KST
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