South Korean prosecutors question the political considerations of the judiciary as they dismiss the arrest warrant for the leader of the largest opposition party
In response to the court's dismissal of the request for an arrest warrant against Lee Jae-myung, representative of South Korea's largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Korea, South Korean prosecutors have questioned the political considerations of the judiciary.
I set it. Mr. Lee had been under investigation in the past on suspicion of providing favors to private contractors in urban development projects and on suspicion of being involved in illegal remittances to North Korea.
A source from the Seoul Central District Public Prosecutors Office said on the 27th, ``The fact that the prosecutor's office ruled that evidence was not destroyed simply because of his status as a representative of a political party was
"I am concerned that there may have been political considerations in the law." ``The court's dismissal of the warrant has a considerable difference of opinion with the prosecution.It is difficult to accept, and we express deep regret at the result.''
"I will." The official said, ``As the incumbent representative of a political party, I used the fact that I would be subject to public scrutiny and criticism as a basis for eliminating concerns about destroying evidence, but this is difficult to accept from a judicial perspective.''
"When he was governor of Gyeonggi Province, he actually gave false testimony and destroyed evidence in a case that violated the Public Offices Election Act. During the investigation process, it was also confirmed that he had similarly bribed the public servant in charge." .
He continued, ``This is a very serious case of obstruction of justice in which he created a false frame to obtain acquittal, then used his position to coerce false testimony, and was even acquitted. Considering the seriousness of the matter, Current
Naturally, an arrest warrant should be issued." In addition to the suspicion of inciting perjury, which the court clarified was ``apparently made clear,'' there are also concerns about the Baekhyeon-dong incident and the remittance to North Korea incident.
Prosecutors argued that the suspicion was determined to have been effectively explained. Lee Hwa-young (detained and indicted) former Gyeonggi Peace Vice-Pacific, to the effect that ``Representative Lee was involved in sending money to North Korea''
He also emphasized that the governor's statement was recognized as voluntary. The official also said, ``In the Baekhyeon-dong incident, the civil servants in charge did not give preferential treatment to private companies, such as changing land use, without instructions from Representative Lee.''
"Considering the peculiarity of not being able to provide a review, we view the court's decision as a rhetorical expression consistent with the conclusion of dismissal." However, ``a detention investigation is one method stipulated by law, and there is still no investigation.
It's not over. The investigation team will do its best to prove the charges, regardless of whether he is detained or not."
2023/09/28 07:14 KST
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