Private second class in the U.S. forces stationed in South Korea who defected from North Korea is expelled from North Korea...transferred to the United States
North Korea expelled Private Travis King, USFK, who defected to North Korea in July, to China without any conditions. Private King, who was in North Korea for 71 days, was sent to Dandong, China, and Osanki, South Korea.
It was learned that he was being transported to the United States via the United States. The Biden administration announced on the 27th (local time), ``We can immediately confirm that Private Travis King is in the custody of the United States.''
. The U.S. government has contacted and held discussions with North Korea through the United Nations, the United Nations Command, and countries that have established diplomatic relations with North Korea in an effort to release Private First Class King. In particular, those with an embassy in North Korea
Waden served as the country's representative of U.S. interests and acted as the main arbitrator, the report said. China is cooperating with Private King's entry across the China-North Korea border, and has not directly taken on the role of mediator.
He says he hasn't. Initially, it was expected that North Korea would use Private King as a negotiating card, but North Korea reportedly expelled King without any conditions.
Regarding the possibility of North Korea resuming dialogue with the United States after Private King's release, a senior Biden administration official said, ``The U.S. government remains open to the possibility of diplomacy with North Korea.''
"We are grateful for the fact that we can share this good news today."
Private King was touring the Joint Security Area (JSA) on July 18th.
, crossed the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) into North Korea without permission. The Korean Central News Agency announced the expulsion decision and said, ``According to an investigation by the relevant agency, Travis King was accused of inhumane abuse within the U.S. military.''
He confessed that he illegally invaded the territory of the Republic out of resentment toward racial discrimination and disillusionment with the unequal American society."
2023/09/28 14:13 KST
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