Japan, US, South Korea, and North Korea's nuclear representatives strongly denounce North Korea's enshrinement of a ``nuclear arms policy'' in its constitution.
North Korea's chief nuclear representatives from Japan, the United States, and South Korea held a telephone consultation on the 28th, stating that North Korea's adoption of a constitutional amendment that clearly states its nuclear weapons policy at the Supreme People's Assembly "has made its nuclear ambitions even more obvious." strength
I strongly condemn this." According to the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Kim Gon, head of the Korean Peninsula Peace Negotiations Headquarters, spoke with US State Department Special Representative for North Korea Sung Kim and Japanese catfish on the afternoon of the 28th.
In a phone conversation with North Korea's Chief Nuclear Representative Hiroyuki, he said, ``North Korea, which is showing its intention to strengthen its nuclear forces without caring about the ruined civilian life, and is concentrating on threats of nuclear first strikes and provocations, is rather South Korea, US, Japan, etc.
He expressed his deep regret, saying, The heads of the three countries strongly urge North Korea to immediately stop its threats and provocations and return to the path of denuclearization, and urge North Korea to deter, abandon, and
・We decided to work closely with the international community to strengthen our three-dimensional (3D) approach to diplomacy and create an environment in which North Korea has no choice but to denuclearize.
The three countries' chief representatives also warned that North Korea may launch further provocations, including a teaser re-launch of a so-called "reconnaissance satellite" in October.
The two countries decided to continue to closely cooperate in dealing with these issues while paying close attention to trends in high-level Russia-North Korea exchanges and arms deals.
Additionally, the chief representatives of the three countries will be Private First Class Travis King, US Forces Korea, who defected to North Korea in July.
He welcomed the return to the country without any accidents. Meanwhile, according to North Korea's state-run ``Korean Central News Agency,'' North Korea held the Mansudae Building in Pyongyang on the 26th and 27th of this month.
At the Supreme People's Assembly held, a bill to amend the constitution specifying nuclear weapons policy was adopted.
2023/09/29 07:34 KST
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