Lots of people cheering for China on Korean portal... Suspicion of ”Chinagate” at soccer match
South Korea's national soccer team defeated China 2-0 in the quarterfinals of the Asian Games held in Hangzhou, China on the 1st, but a cheering video posted by South Korean portal site Daum
The page showed that the number of clicks supporting China far exceeded those supporting South Korea. In response, South Korea's ruling party ``People's Power'' pointed out the possibility of Chinese public opinion manipulation and explained to Daum.
I asked for light. Daum's support page provides a service where you can click on whether to support Korea or China, as well as the lineup of participating players and match broadcasts. but
As of 2:30 p.m. on the 2nd, the number of clicks for the South Korea vs. China game was an abnormal 2.1 million (8%) for South Korea and 24.67 million (92%) for China.
This phenomenon was also seen in other games. On the 30th of last month, the South Korean women's soccer team lost 4-1 to North Korea in the quarterfinals.
20,000 times (25%) and North Korea 650,000 times (75%). In addition, in the group league match against Hong Kong held on the 28th of last month, South Korea played 110,000 times (9%), while Hong Kong played 1.17 million times (91%).
%)was. Regarding this, a Daum official explained, ``Anyone can participate in Click Cheer without logging in or limiting the number of times.I think this is why it happened.'' majority of Chinese people
It is possible that some domestic netizens may have increased the number of cheers as a prank, rather than participating in the cheering.
Meanwhile, in South Korean politics, the ruling party ``People's Power'' manipulates Chinese public opinion.
is claimed. Former Saenuri Party (predecessor to People's Power) Rep. Jeong Yeo-ok commented on the incident on the 2nd, saying, ``Yesterday, something really strange happened.
, the number of people who support China rather than South Korea reached about 1.2 million, but the number of people who supported South Korea was less than 1 million."
I don't understand why so many people are rooting for China (in the Korea-China match)." According to the capture posted by Mr. Tian, the click support published by Daum as of 9:00 pm the previous day showed that China's
Cheers were received 1,183,460 times (56%), and Korea accounted for 916,187 times (44%). At the same time, on other portal sites like Naver, the number of clicks for the match between South Korea and China at the same time was
In contrast, South Korea recorded 32.26 million views and China recorded 260,000 views. Mr. Jeon said, ``The number of people cheering for China at Daum exceeded that of South Korea.When I look at the bare numbers, it makes me shudder.''
should make their position clear." He added, ``It's only a matter of time before Neighbor is occupied by them,'' and ``We need to take this opportunity as an opportunity to prepare reliable countermeasures.
We cannot turn our neighbors into their playground." Kim Jong-sik, a youth spokesperson for the ruling party People's Power, said in an editorial that ``I am a member of Daum, the representative portal site of the Republic of Korea.''
The statistics that are far from common sense have been compiled, and many people have doubts about them.''He added, ``It is clear that more than half of the people on the Republic of Korea's super-large portal are rooting for a Chinese team.''
"This is a tally that is far from common sense." He went on to say, ``This reminds me of ``Chinagate,'' which has been suspected in pro-freedom countries such as South Korea and the United States for several years.''
``Chinagate'' is an allegation that ethnic Koreans and Chinese students are systematically manipulating domestic public opinion through online communities, portal news comments, and social media.
``We remember an incident just a few years ago in which 88 million people's public opinion was manipulated,'' Kim said, adding, ``During the 19th presidential election, programs such as King Club...
``Dulking'', which manipulated the search rankings of portal sites such as Naver and Internet articles, to give an advantage to then-candidate Moon Jae-in and the Democratic Party.
(Druid King) Incident.'' Party lawmaker Kim Mi-ae also posted on Facebook that 1.18 million people cheered for the Chinese team during the first half of the soccer match the day before, accounting for 56% of the total.
He posted a photo capture of the support page he had created, and asked, ``Even though it's a Korean portal, why is there more support for China?''
2023/10/03 06:38 KST
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