The 8th of this month marks 25 years since the Japan-Korea joint declaration; as relations are on track to improve, the ambassador to Japan proposes the release of a new declaration.
Ahead of this month's 8th, which marks 25 years since the Japan-Korea Joint Declaration signed by then-President Kim Dae-jung and Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi in 1998, South Korean Ambassador to Japan Yun Dong-min said:
He expressed his intention to issue a new joint declaration. Ambassador Yun gave a speech in Tokyo on the 27th of last month, saying, ``Isn't it necessary to make a declaration toward a new future?''
The Japan-Korea Joint Declaration was a document jointly signed by then President Kim and Prime Minister Obuchi on October 8, 1998. Summarizes the past relations between the two countries and aims to maintain close friendship and cooperation.
Share awareness by developing and building future-oriented relationships in the next former. They declared their shared determination to build a new Japan-Korea partnership. This declaration became the cornerstone of subsequent Japan-Korea exchanges, and
Economy, culture, and people-to-people exchanges have been revitalized. In South Korea, the ban on Japanese popular culture began to be lifted in response to the declaration, and in 1999, the Japanese film ``Love'' was released.
Letter'' (directed by Shunji Iwai) was a huge hit. Lines shouted by leading actress Miho Nakayama
``Oformer ki do you?'' is a Japanese word that was popular among Koreans at the time. The Japan-Korea Joint Declaration is referred to in South Korea as the ``Kim Dae-Jung-Obuchi Joint Declaration.'' Since taking office as president in May last year, efforts have been made to improve Japan-Korea relations.
President Yoon Seo-gyeol, who has been working on the declaration, has mentioned the declaration many times since he was a candidate for the presidential election. As a candidate, he said, ``The joint declaration contains almost all the principles that will lead South Korea-Japan relations in a developmental direction.''
Rules are included. If we inherit this spirit and purpose and develop Korea-Japan relations, the future of both countries should be bright,'' he said, expressing his desire to improve Japan-South Korea relations while inheriting the spirit of the declaration.
As President Yoon has said, since taking office, he has worked tirelessly to improve Japan-Korea relations, and in March of this year, the South Korean government announced a ``solution'' to the issue of forced labor, which was the biggest issue between Japan and South Korea. Japan-Korea Summit held immediately after
At the summit meeting, the leaders of both countries agreed to normalize relations. At a press conference after the meeting, President Yoon said, ``This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Kim Dae-Jung-Obuchi Joint Declaration,'' and while referring to the declaration again, ``The spirit of the declaration.''
``This was a step toward inheriting this in a progressive manner, overcoming the unfortunate history of both countries, and ushering in a new era of Korea-Japan cooperation.''
Since then, Japan-Korea relations have improved dramatically, and now they are not only in the political world but also in the economic world.
Exchanges between the world and the private sector are becoming more active. On the 30th of last month and the 1st of this month, the ``Japan-Korea Exchange Festival'' was held in Tokyo to promote cultural exchange between Japan and South Korea. On during the COVID-19 pandemic
Although the event had to be held in person, it was the first time in four years that it was held face-to-face. The Japan-Korea Exchange Festival is sponsored by an executive committee made up of companies and organizations from both countries to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and South Korea.
It started in 2005 and has been held every year. The idea is to embody the spirit of the Japan-Korea Joint Declaration, and it is sponsored by the governments of both Japan and South Korea. It has been held in Seoul since 2005.
However, since 2009, the event has been held in both Seoul and Tokyo, with the idea of creating this event together in Japan and Korea. In addition to K-POP and J-POP, each other's traditional performing arts,
It has become established as an event where you can enjoy things like lume. In 2019, when Japan-Korea relations began to deteriorate further due to the former forced labor issue and the Japanese government's tightening of export restrictions to South Korea, exchange projects between Japan and South Korea began one after another.
It is also an event that was able to be held even though it was canceled or postponed, and was able to continue into the following year without interruption. As the relationship between the two countries, which had been cold, is now on track for improvement, Ambassador Yun Deok-min to Japan
gave a speech in Tokyo on the 27th of last month, expressing the recognition that a new Japan-South Korea joint declaration should be announced by the leaders next year. Ambassador Yun said, ``We will not miss this opportunity.The relationship between our countries is improving.We are looking forward to a new future for both countries.''
Isn't it necessary to make a declaration towards the United States?" Regarding the new declaration, he said, ``It is necessary to be future-oriented and include things that will bring blessings to each other's people.''
However, there are concerns when it comes to compiling a new declaration. This is because there is a possibility that conflicts over the handling of historical recognition may flare up again. South Korea will hold a general election in April next year.
It is growing. Regarding the timing of the new declaration, Ambassador Yun said, ``I think next year will be when we are both politically stable.'' However, depending on the election results, opposition parties, among others, may be reluctant to issue a new declaration.
It is expected that there will be strong voices calling for a strong reference to historical awareness.
2023/10/03 13:14 KST
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