Last year, 38,000 people took childcare leave for fathers... 3 out of 10 people on childcare leave were fathers = South Korea
The number of fathers taking childcare leave is increasing. The number of men taking childcare leave has increased rapidly by 16,000 over the past three years. The danger of “demographic shock” due to low birthrates has been visualized
This is because an increasing number of men are taking advantage of childcare leave, which they were unable to take advantage of while being concerned about their surroundings. According to the South Korean Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Affairs (Ministry corresponds to the Ministry) on the 4th, the number of people who took childcare leave last year was 100,000 in 2019.
The number of people increased by 24.6% from 5,181 to 131,129. Of the approximately 130,000 people, 93,245 women took childcare leave and 37,884 men took childcare leave, making the gender composition ratio female 71.1.
%, and 28.9% for men. The proportion of men taking childcare leave will increase by 7.7% from 21.2% in 2019 to 28.9% in 2022, with 3 out of 10 men taking childcare leave.
I understand. The number of men taking childcare leave increased by approximately 1.7 times. However, not all fathers have easy access to parental leave. If you live in a single-income household or have a household loan, your income will decrease.
Choosing to take childcare leave is not easy. According to the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) Family Database, the income cost during childcare leave in South Korea was
The replacement rate (the ratio of the amount received as childcare leave pay to existing income) was 44.6%. If you take childcare leave, your income will effectively be cut in half.
South Korea's replacement rate ranks 17th among 27 OECD countries with similar systems. Childcare leave is available if 180 days or more have passed since enrollment in employment insurance.
A worker who has passed the age limit can take up to one year to raise a child under the age of 8 or in the second grade of elementary school. The salary for childcare leave is 80% of the regular wage, but the upper and lower limits are 150% each.
The prices are 10,000 won (approximately 160,000 yen) and 700,000 won (approximately 70,000 yen). Another problem is that because the replacement rate is low, the proportion of employees of large companies and people with high incomes is high. Statistics Agency’s 2021 Childcare Leave Policy
According to the total, 71% of men on childcare leave and 62.4% of women on childcare leave belong to large companies with 300 or more employees.
2023/10/04 12:00 KST
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