【全文】「U-KISS」フン、妻のファン・ジソン(元Girl’s Day)の妊娠を発表…「27週目…すでに僕と似ている」
[Full text] ”U-KISS” Hoon announces the pregnancy of his wife Hwang Ji Sung (former Girl's Day)... ”27 weeks... She already looks like me”
Hoon of U-KISS and Hwang Ji Sung (former Girl's Day) have announced the news of their second pregnancy. Prior to this, Hoon (U-KISS) released “Girl’s
She married Hwang Ji Sung from "Day" in May last year. Below is the full text of Hoon's position Did you all have a happy holiday? October 4th, Angel Day
I would like to share with you some happy news. A very precious and important life in this world that my husband and I had been longing for and waiting for has finally arrived.
This kid who joined 27week's is already a son who strangely looks like me! For coming to us like this
Thank you so much, baby~ I hope that you will grow up with a lot of love and blessings, and that you will become good parents.
As a father, I will do my best for my wife who has worked so hard for me and my baby who is growing so well! I wish you many blessings!
thank you!

2023/10/05 19:22 KST
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