In South Korea, 700,000 households are in arrears with health insurance premiums...Many have an annual income of less than 1 million won
In South Korea, more than 700,000 households have been unable to pay health insurance premiums of 50,000 won (approximately 5,500 yen) or less per month for a long period of time. Of these, the majority have an annual income of 1 million won (approximately 110,000 yen)
). On the 8th, Democratic Party members of the National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee Chun Hye-suk and others released materials submitted by the National Health Insurance Corporation. As of July, 6 months this year
There were 931,000 households that were behind on their health insurance premiums. Of these, 710,000 households, or 76%, fell under the category of ``livelihood-type delinquency,'' with health insurance premiums of 50,000 won or less per month.
Insurance premiums delinquent by livelihood-type delinquents amounted to 899.5 billion won, accounting for 60% of the total long-term delinquent amount. According to the data, 710,000 households are in arrears for a living.
Of these, 75%, or 532,000 households, had an annual income of less than 1 million won. There are 74,000 households with an annual income of more than 1 million won to less than 3 million won, and more than 3 million won.
45,000 households made up to 5 million won or less, and 55,000 households made over 5 million won to 10 million won or less. There are over 3,000 households with delinquent taxpayers whose annual income exceeds 10 million won.
It wasn't long. Health insurance benefits are restricted for 82,720 people who are in arrears in the livelihood category, and they are effectively unable to receive health insurance benefits even if they go to hospitals, clinics, or pharmacies.
Of these, approximately 6%, or 5,294 people, had their benefits restricted for more than three years and six months. There were 18,444 people who were in arrears for more than 2 years and 6 months but less than 3 years and 6 months, 1
There were 16,849 people who had been hospitalized for more than 6 months a year but less than 2 years and 6 months, and 15,534 people who had been hospitalized for more than 6 months but less than 1 year and 6 months. There were 26,599 people subject to salary restrictions for less than six months.
The number of households with subsistence delinquency was 685,000 in 2021, 708,000 last year, and is increasing every year.
All the members said, ``If health insurance premiums are in arrears, the insurance benefits provided by the public corporation to medical institutions will be collected from the delinquent.
As a result, a considerable number of people who are behind on their subsistence health insurance premium payments are psychologically atrophied, and in many cases they are reluctant to go to the hospital even if they become ill.'' , cliff
We must protect the people's right to health, which is in crisis."
2023/10/09 06:43 KST
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