Man in his 20s arrested for reckless driving on highway in China's Jiangsu Province = Chinese report
A man in his 20s was arrested for reckless driving on a highway in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China.
According to an announcement by local police, on the afternoon of the 14th of this month, the suspect, Kai (male, 25
) tried to cut in before the toll booth on the expressway, but was stopped by a red passenger car coming from behind. A certain person, angry at this act, entered the expressway and went around in front of the red passenger car.
The driver repeatedly drove recklessly by applying sudden brakes. Video from the drive recorder of a red passenger car posted online shows the vehicle driving in a meandering direction and repeatedly braking suddenly.
A black Tesla is shown. The red car avoided the Tesla's sudden brakes several times and eventually pulled into the emergency stop lane and stopped. The Tesla car continues to drive away.
Police received a report from the victim, examined the drive recorder footage, and identified Kai. Police took a certain person into criminal custody for driving dangerously and obstructing traffic, and an investigation is underway.
2023/10/17 15:59 KST
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