South Korean economic vice prime minister says, ``We will not 'de-China'''
On the 19th, South Korean Vice Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Planning and Finance Chu Kyung-ho said, ``We will not ``de-China.'' Vice Prime Minister Chu attended the National Assembly Planning and Finance Committee held at the government building in Seoul on the same day.
During the committee's national policy investigation, he answered questions from opposition party members as shown above. Vice Prime Minister Chu said, ``China is an extremely important country,'' adding, ``We will continue to cooperate on a mutually beneficial basis.''
I'll make it clear to you," he said. He went on to say, ``We are also promoting a Korea-China-Japan summit meeting,'' and emphasized that ``there is no need to ignore or turn our backs on China.''
2023/10/20 16:58 KST
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